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Lingsheng Meng
Journal Articles
English Language Requirement and Educational Inequality: Evidence from 16 Million College Applicants in China
Journal of Development Economics,
Journal Articles
Elite College Education and Social Mobility in China
Economic Development and Cultural Change,
Working Papers
The Burden of Education Costs in China: A Struggle for All, but Heavier for Lower-Income Families
SSRN Working Paper,
Journal Articles
Heterogeneous Impacts of the Section 301 Tariffs: Evidence from the Revision of Product Lists
Canadian Journal of Economics,
Journal Articles
The Motherhood Penalty in China: Magnitudes, Trends, and the Role of Grandparenting
Journal of Comparative Economics,
Journal Articles
Skill Biased Tax Policy Change: Labor Market Effects of China's VAT Reform
Labour Economics,
Journal Articles
The Scarring Effects of College Education Deprivation during China’s Cultural Revolution
Economic Development and Cultural Change,
Journal Articles
Skill Complementarities and Returns to Higher Education: Evidence from College Enrollment Expansion in China
China Economic Review,
Journal Articles
Prenatal Sex Selection and Missing Girls in China: Evidence from the Diffusion of Diagnostic Ultrasound
Journal of Human Resources,
Journal Articles
Does Having a Cadre Parent Pay? Evidence from the First Job Offers of Chinese College Graduates
Journal of Development Economics,
Journal Articles
Does Having a Cadre Parent Pay: Evidence from the First Job Offers of Chinese College Graduates
Journal of Development Economics,