SCCEI’s Impact program conveys policy relevant insights from the best new, data-driven research to audiences beyond academia to inform important debates about contemporary China and U.S.-China relations.
SCCEI China Briefs
Leveraging our strength across multiple disciplines, SCCEI distills recent journal articles from the quantitative social sciences into two-page briefs so that policy relevant insights are accessible to lay readers in government, business, and society at large.
Big Data China is a partnership between SCCEI and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) that aims to highlight the policy implications of cutting-edge scholarly work on China for the DC policy community through regular multimedia analysis and events.
Partnership with Asia Society Policy Institute’s Center for China Analysis
SCCEI partners with Asia Society Policy Institute’s Center for China Analysis to convene global thought leaders in academia, policymaking, and industry to advance evidence-based analyses of today’s China.
In a world characterized by challenges, opportunities, and dynamic business environments, the annual Stanford Asia Economic Forum remains dedicated to fostering meaningful dialogue and collaboration between change makers in the United States and China.
The inaugural conference brought together over 20 expert panelists from around the world and from across Stanford’s disciplines, as well as experts and business leaders from Silicon Valley and the Bay Area to share insights on China's economic prospects.
New Research Findings Reveal Shift in Popular Sentiment in China Regarding the Causes of Economic Inequality
New research from Scott Rozelle of Stanford SCCEI and Martin Whyte of Harvard University demonstrates that people in China increasingly attribute inequality to the economic system rather than to their individual ability. Rozelle and Whyte...
Is It Me or the Economic System? Changing Evaluations of Inequality in China
The latest Big Data China feature examines Martin Whyte and Scott Rozelle's new survey results demonstrating that the Chinese populace increasingly attribute inequality to the economic system rather than individual ability.
Decoding China’s Economic Slowdown: A Roundtable Discussion
The Stanford Center on China’s Economy and Institutions and Asia Society Policy Institute’s Center for China Analysis co-organized a closed-door roundtable on China's recent economic slowdown and produced summary report of the discussion.
Conference Tackles Trends in China’s Economy, Tech, and Politics
Where is China’s economy headed and what are the implications for the rest of the world? Over 20 expert panelists weighed in over two days of discussions during the inaugural SCCEI China Conference.
Silicon Showdown: Craig Allen Unpacks the Competition for Technology Leadership between the U.S. and China
Craig Allen, the President of the U.S.-China Business Council, spoke on the evolving dynamics of technological leadership between the U.S. and China and their implications for the rest of the world.
ADB's Chief Economist Shares Insights on China’s Economy and Asia’s Rise
On November 15, 2023 Albert Park, Chief Economist of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), joined SIEPR, SCCEI, and the King Center on campus for a timely discussion on China’s economy and Asia’s rise.
Lessons of History: The Rise and Fall of Technology in Chinese History
MIT Professor Yasheng Huang joined SCCEI and Stanford Libraries to deliver a talk examining the factors behind the rise and the fall of Chinese historical technology and lessons for today’s China.
Scott Rozelle Joins Track Two Diplomacy Efforts on Scholarly Exchange between the United States and China
SCCEI Co-Director Scott Rozelle joined a select group of ten academics from the U.S. to participate in a Track Two diplomacy effort between the U.S. and China. Together, they traveled to Beijing where they met with 12 scholars from China to...
Experts Convene Roundtable to Discuss China’s Property Sector Slowdown
The Stanford Center on China’s Economy and Institutions and Asia Society Policy Institute’s Center for China Analysis co-organized a closed-door roundtable on the extent, causes, and implications of China’s current property sector slowdown...
2023 China Business Conference: Washington’s View of China
SCCEI’s Impact Team attended the 13th Annual China Business Conference held in Washington, D.C. in May 2023. The team shares insights from the conference on issues raised surrounding the troubled U.S.-China relationship.