Kuang Xu

Kuang Xu, PhD
- Associate Professor of Operations, Information & Technology at the Stanford Graduate School of Business
- Associate Professor (by courtesy) at the Stanford Electrical Engineering Department
- Faculty Affiliate at the Stanford Center on China's Economy and Institutions
Kuang Xu is a tenured Associate Professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. He graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering. He has been with the Stanford GSB since July 2015. Professor Xu currently serves as an Associate Editor for Operations Research and Management Science.
Professor Xu is an expert in operations research and management, data science innovation, marketplace and data-driven decision making. His research focuses on fundamental design and managerial principles of decision-making under uncertainty, with wide-ranging applications in marketplace platforms, data science experimentation, transportation and supply chains. Professor Xu has received numerous prestigious academic awards for his research, including a First Place in the INFORMS George Nicholson Paper Competition, a Best Paper Award as well as Outstanding Student Paper Award at ACM Sigmetrics, the premier venue for data-driven performance evaluation and modeling, and the ACM Sigmetrics Rising Star Research Award. His research has been published in leading journals, including Management Science, Operations Research, and Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (MSOM). His research and op-eds have been featured in media outlets including NPR, PBS, USA Today, NBC News and Business Insider.
Professor Xu teaches MBA, MSx, PhD, and executive education programs at the Stanford GSB. He developed the Business Analytics course for the GSB MSx program which enables students to use data science and optimization to structure next generation data-powered businesses, improve operational efficiency and drive growth. Professor Xu has also led workshops for executives on innovation, data science, and strategic decision-making in operations, supply chains and logistics.
Professor Xu has served as a senior advisor on AI and data science strategies for a number of industry leaders in ride-sharing marketplaces, delivery and micro-fulfillment, artificial intelligence, logistics and supply chains.