Understanding China’s Economy: SCCEI Summer Study Program

SCCEI is organizing a unique two-week program from Tuesday, June 17 to Saturday, June 28, 2025, that will enable students to delve deeply into the second largest economy in the world: China. This intensive field excursion will involve different program modules -- including seminar sessions, workshops, and site visits -- to both internationally renowned companies in China and to the factory floor in a rural township.

Selected participants will gain first-hand understanding of the complexities of China’s economy through site visits to technology firms, consumer markets, factory floors, education and environmental organizations. Participants will visit a spectrum of industries in Shenzhen, Beijing and a rural township (location TBD) and the ecosystem within which they operate. Under the close supervision of SCCEI’s faculty directors Hongbin Li and Scott Rozelle, participants will together explore the key issues, challenges, and opportunities that China faces as refracted through the experiences of these organizations.