Huan Wang

Huan Wang headshot.

Huan Wang, PhD

  • Research Scholar, Stanford Center on China's Economy and Institutions

Encina Hall East, 5th Floor
Stanford, CA 94305-6055


Huan Wang is a Research Scholar at Stanford University. Her research focuses on assessing educational quality and identifying effective educational programs and policies to improve student outcomes in rural China. By conducting large-scale randomized controlled trials, she evaluates the impact of social emotional learning on reducing dropouts in rural junior high schools, the impact of independent reading on student performance, and the effect of vision care programs on learning and schooling path.

She also currently runs a social enterprise that works with local communities to establish sustainable, high quality vision care services for children in rural China.


Journal Articles
July 2024

Effects of Mindfulness and Life-Skills Training on Emotion Regulation and Anxiety Symptoms in Chinese Migrant Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial

cover link Effects of Mindfulness and Life-Skills Training on Emotion Regulation and Anxiety Symptoms in Chinese Migrant Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Journal Articles
June 2024

The Shortage of Child Psychiatrists in Mainland China

cover link The Shortage of Child Psychiatrists in Mainland China
Journal Articles
June 2024

Association Between Anxiety, Depression Symptoms, and Academic Burnout among Chinese Students: The Mediating Role of Resilience and Self-efficacy

cover link Association Between Anxiety, Depression Symptoms, and Academic Burnout among Chinese Students: The Mediating Role of Resilience and Self-efficacy