REAP Parenting Curriculum

Parenting Curriculum
Designing interventions to help caregivers better care for their baby.
How it works:
Our parenting curriculum is a tool to train parents how to better interact with and promote growth in their children. Each week it provides step-by-step instructions for two different age-appropriate games and activities for the caregivers and children.
Our Process
Underlying all of our child development work is a central goal: to increase and improve parent-child interactions in rural households. To that end, wherever our curriculum is in use, we also provide all of the toys needed to engage in each week's dual activities, such as building blocks and doctors sets.
Developing the curriculum
Our curriculum was inspired by Dr. Sally Grantham-McGregor's work on early childhood development, but it was independently designed and adapted to be used in rural China and to be upscalable to other parts of China. Additionally, we elicited feedback from early childhood education and child psychology specialists during the development process.