Yian Guo

yianguo headshot

Yian Guo, MA

  • Program Manager, Rural Education Action Program


Yian Guo is a program manager at the Rural Education Action Program (REAP), working primarily on the Healthy Future project. She holds a B.S. in Applied Psychology from New York University and an M.A. in International Education Policy Analysis from Stanford University. Yian's research interests are informed by her volunteering experience in rural Inner Mongolian schools and her involvement in research on Chinese adolescents. From the impact of teacher's perception on students' academic performance to early childhood development and education, Yian is exploring and refining her topic of interest while doing her part to bridge research to practice.


Journal Articles
October 2024

The Gender Gap in Early Language Development among Children from Peri-urban China

The Gender Gap in Early Language Development among Children from Peri-urban China
Journal Articles
June 2024

Maternal Empowerment, Feeding Knowledge, and Infant Nutrition: Evidence from Rural China

Maternal Empowerment, Feeding Knowledge, and Infant Nutrition: Evidence from Rural China
Journal Articles
August 2022

Postnatal Mental Health, Breastfeeding Beliefs, and Breastfeeding Practices in Rural China

Postnatal Mental Health, Breastfeeding Beliefs, and Breastfeeding Practices in Rural China